Baby Boab as a Bush Food
Australian Aborigines know the tree as larrkardiy and for thousands of years they have used it as a source of water, the fibrous outer bark for rope, the leaves, sapling tap root, and pulp from the seed pod as food and in medicines, and featured the tree strongly in art and dreamtime stories. These ancient trees are regarded as cherished individuals with unique personalities.
Baby Boabs are the tap root of the seedling tree. They grow like a carrot, and the texture of the tuber is similar to water chestnuts. They are crisp and white, with a sweet delicate flavour. Boab leaves are also edible and have a nutty flavour, and can be used in salads, soups and stir-fry, or as a garnish.
Baby Boab Tubers – an Australian Bush Food
Baby Boab Tubers are the sapling tap-root of the Australian Boab. They are best served raw, or lightly cooked, and can be used in salads, stir-fry and soups, plus julienned for dips. Their sweet taste and crunchy texture is also excellent for use in cakes, slices, muffins and quiches.
For further information, please click here
I live in Northern NSW. Will baby boab seeds grow in our wet climate? Can I get tubers shipped here?
Hello Ngaire.
Yes Boabs will grow in NSW but excess watering whilst the tree is dormant during the cooler months, and frost will kill them. Hence, I recommend growing a boab in a large pot as watering is more easily controlled and the pot can be moved into a more protected area during the cooler period. Boabs do very well in a large pot as they grow slowly and the tuber curls around the pot and the tree will naturally bonsai.
Boabs in the Kimberley
I have almost all Adansonia trees of the world.( see my send email)
Can I purschase baby boab also to be send to Europ ( Belgium) during the dormant period ?
My oldest African is over 50 years
Yvan Verhelle
I was wondering if you ship dormant trees or seeds to the USA. Thank you for your help.
Can you ship tubers to Brisbane.
Hello Ed. Yes we can ship boab tubers to Brisbane, but we don’t have any available at present. Our first priority is supplying the gourmet preserves side of the business and our current crop will be required for this. I am sorry we are unable to help you at present. Regards Georgina